Tuesday, September 29, 2009


When I first developed this Pyoderma I experienced a lot of bleeding. As the weeks have dragged on and my lesion has expanded the bleeding has virtually disappeared. I am of course happy about this. Not bleeding is a good thing, I would say. But what has also occurred is the progression of the pyoderma's sheeting or fluid production. I used to change my dressing every six hours or so, but due to so much moisture/wetness being produced, I can't put it off for that long.

My doctor said it was 'edema fluid', whatever the heck that is.. All I know is that because of this 'fluid', I am forced to change my bandages about every three hours.

Due to this fluid situation, I find myself using 'Curity cover sponges' by Kendall (Tyco healthcare). They are super absorbent yet won't stick to my pyoderma. And they are pretty cheap too.

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