Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So I had my colonoscopy and oddly enough everything was 'normal'. I was expecting to have Colitis or Crohn's, but in fact had nothing.

The Anesthesiologist hooked me up to a heart monitor and put a needle in my hand. She said that I wasn't going to be 'put out' but would be sleepy during the procedure. It seems when the anesthesiologist said 'sleepy' what she meant was knocked out because I don't remember a thing until i was asked to 'wake up'.

I felt groggy for the next few hours. I went home drank some water and Gatorade and fell asleep for about nine hours.

The next morning I found two sticky pads on my chest. These things were used to hook me up to the heart monitor the day before. One was actually difficult to remove pulling some of my chest hairs out in the process. The only pain I felt throughout the whole procedure..

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