Saturday, September 12, 2009

Catching up

The pic is of me about 15 years ago. I think I'm high and chilling in the backyard.

I am about 40 years old. No allergies and no medical conditions. I don't take medications except for an aspirin(325mg) that i may take everyday or so. I do not have high blood pressure and despite my current sloth like existence my heart and cardiovascular profile is excellent. In high school and University I was a runner, six days a week. I would average about 45 miles a week. I still have boxes of old running shoes (Brooks, Adidas, Asics, etc) and busted 'Walkmans'. All of the tape drives have been beaten and the headphones busted. I'm not sure why I haven't thrown them away. Anyway all of this running seems to still be paying great dividends almost 20 years later.

I don't smoke but I do enjoy having a drink. A real drink Hendrick's and tonic, Knob Creek and coke, a Belhaven. Most of the foods I eat are prepared. I don't cook so I eat out about every day, nothing fancy. I do concentrate on fiber. I try to eat at least 25g of fiber every day. This was under the advice of my nutritionist a few years back. Between the apples, pears and fiber bars I eat, I'm sure i exceed 25g every day.

Also my cholesterol profile is excellent, freak show good. I remember having a blood test retaken a few years ago because I was chubby and my lipids were too positive. It seems my sister has the same profile, so we have given this credit to our mother. She's German and can eat butter and salt all day long. As children we couldn't share popcorn with mom because her's was so salty and swimming in melted butter, almost a soup. I don't like butter except on toast and I cant remember the last time I have used salt on my food. I would think our modern fare is salty enough, no?

My parents are old, dad 77 and mom is 71. Grandma just turned 95 and still feisty, bossing my dad around. I actually take pleasure in this. Our family members tend to live for a long time despite how miserable their lives may be, especially during Christmas. My dad still works out at the gym and plays golf about four or five times a week. My mom reads a lot and watches TV.

Prior to me getting this leg sore the only medical thing I've been involved with was my gallbladder surgery. I had gallstones in 2003 and it was causing a deep dull pain on my side, so it had to go. I have a few tiny scars and no worries.

Anyway I haven't had anything medical in my life for a very long time. I even get my teeth cleaned every six months and haven't had a cavity in about five years. This damn leg situation is something totally new and inexperienced by me..

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