Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've been reduced to taking 50mg of Prednisone and using some ointments on what ulcer remains on my leg. The Prednisone I've been taking for about three months and it has cause some side effects, acne on my chest, puffyness around my face and eyes. I don't want to take it anymore but am forced to. Without it my leg will no doubt flare up again. I don't want to go through that painful nonsense again.

Living in NYC sucks if you are trying to save money. Neosporin (1oz) costs about $10 per a tube, CVS brand $8 bucks. Wal-Mart sells a box of two 1oz tubes for $4 bucks! The problem is that all the hippies, commies and econ flunkies refuse to let Wal-Marts exist in Manhattan. For some reason K-Mart is fine though? Anyway whenever I come back to the city, I always try to hit a Wal-Mart before coming back. One can save a fortune.

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