Monday, February 18, 2013

Pressure Socks

The pressure socks are a much better thing to deal with than those Uni boot wraps. The problem with the pressure socks is that they can hurt. When I first got them it was not possible to put them on because they were too tight. I stretched them over a few days and they worked out. Any gaps or slack in the sock and the edema will take advantage of it, sometimes creating strange bulges or bumps. They also cause a good deal of ankle pain. I can only wear them for a few hrs before removing them. Perhaps things will get easier as the fabric loosens up. They all start to lose tension after a few months of wear. So, I read. My problem with my right leg has healed enough where I no longer wear any bandages or pads at all. The issue of the 'weeping edema" or the fluids continually draining from my legs has stopped. This is great because it allows me to leave the house for much longer periods of time. The ulcer has continued to heal as the picture illustrates. My prednisone is at 20mg a day. And I continue to gently wash the ulcer with a warm washcloth and Hibiclens.

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