Friday, December 21, 2012

After a few weeks of wearing the leg rap things cleared up. I no longer am wearing the wraps and have moved on to "compression socks". They have been ordered but i haven't received them yet. As the pic shows most of the ulcer has healed up. It has dried up and is surrounded by dried skin. My prdnisone was reduced to 30mg a day which so far has worked out. I have had a few flare ups but they don't last. It seems the trick was getting the water or edema out of my legs so that they could heal. I hated wearing the wraps but they did work as promised.

1 comment:

  1. It was TODAY (honest to God) 13 years ago that I had my first appearance of PG. Mine was on my abdomen and all I remember is that the pain was so intense I couldn't button my winter coat. And didn't know why. It's like it appeared almost within a day. A million pills, topicals, injections (Enbrel) and infusions (Remicade)kept it in check but didn't make it go away. It all disappeared the day in 2008 I had abdominal surgery for something else (Crohn's) and the surgeon removed some diseased intestine and excised the PG .... it didn't come back. But I always wait for the other shoe to drop. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
