Monday, December 19, 2011


These pictures show were things are at with my pyoderma. My 'chubby leg' looks like a sausage because of the Edema, that comes and goes. The B&W picture is just to show the area where it really stung. It has since gone away. The extra dab of neosporin did the trick i guess.
My increased Prednisone dosage should be having a much better effect than what I'm seeing now. When i first used it over two years ago it was like a magic bullet. The results were immediate and dramatic. Its not the case anymore. I'm not sure what my options will be if this new 'Prednisone push' is a dud. This fuking thing on my leg is making my life difficult.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vitamins and stuff

My regimen of supplements has grown a tad. The 'D' was suggested by my dermatologist. The 'B1' was suggested by my Oncologist. I am on a treatment for cancer and the B1 is supposed help avoid neuropathy. So far so good. The Iron I only take occasionally. The brands are of my own choosing. They may cost a bit more, especially the Carlson, but they are the best.

Carlson makes the best fish oil pills. They are clean, non-offensive tasting and offer a wide variety. I worked at a health food store for almost a year, twelve years ago. so It was like getting a free education on supplements. Some fish oil pills taste truly awful, sweaty dumpster oil tasting! A neutral tasting pill taken with a bite of food should do the trick for those easily offended by 'fish pills'.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


My right leg/foot has always been free of any nonsense that I have experienced over the last few years. Without any warning my right foot and leg has exhibited edema, not a good thing. Everything has occurred on my LEFT foot/leg. The thought of "it" spreading to my other leg/foot makes me sick.

My Prednisone was increased last week(120mg/day) in an effort to 'heal up' my ulcer. My face is getting so chubby, a side effect, I joke that I'm turning Korean. Again, NOT a good thing.