Sunday, November 14, 2010

3mm deep

I had a conversation with the doc from Boston. It seems what I need to get done can be completed here in NYC. He has since spoken to my doctors (dermatologist and oncologist) and everybody seems to be on the same page.

Whenever I need to get a refill on a prescription from my dermatologist, I have to go and get my situation reviewed. This includes him saying 'its getting better' or 'its getting worse', a swab of the ulcer to check for infection(s), a measurement and my blood pressure checked. As the pic illustrates, my ulcer hasn't expanded much over the last few months but it has 'deepened'. The pic does a lousy job showing the ulcer's depth. The nurse said it was '3 millimeters deep'. I can't imagine it was too accurate because of the method employed but I can say that at 3mm or whatever, it fuggin hurts. I have some pain pills that i take from time to time just to deal with it. It feels like a super heated wire wrapped around my ankle or a chunk of glass under the skin. When it hurts really bad i can't get anything done. So, i just pop a pill and wait for it to 'go away'.

The new meds that I am supposed to take promise to heal up this leg and allow me to get off the prednisone. We shall see..

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