When I first moved to NYC, fall 1997, my first job was at the Vitamin shoppe. It's still there, 23rd & Park. I worked there for about eight months. The pay sucked but I got an education on supplements. Most of the employees were students but a few were actually doctors (MDs) from other countries unable to practice medicine because they lacked the completion of programs and/or licences that are required to work in the US. I would say that 90% of the supplements that are sold are complete nonsense. And most of the vitamins/etc that you will find at CVS, Duane Reade, Wallgreens and etc are garbage. Oddly though, Wal-Mart carries some of the better brands. As a rule i never scrimp on shoes, bedding or vitamins/drugs.
I was asked by my doctor to add some vitamin D to my daily regimen. The Carlson gems have Omega-3 so i went with that..
I also take fish oil every day for the Omega-3. I will buy Carlson next time. Do you recommend any other brand for fish oil?