Saturday, February 20, 2010


As a going concern i have always taken a multivitamin and always a chewable. I simply cant swallow pills. When I was a kid my dad would scream at me because I wouldn't/couldn't swallow a medication. Well I am past 40 now and I still can't swallow pills. Oh, well..

When I first moved to NYC, fall 1997, my first job was at the Vitamin shoppe. It's still there, 23rd & Park. I worked there for about eight months. The pay sucked but I got an education on supplements. Most of the employees were students but a few were actually doctors (MDs) from other countries unable to practice medicine because they lacked the completion of programs and/or licences that are required to work in the US. I would say that 90% of the supplements that are sold are complete nonsense. And most of the vitamins/etc that you will find at CVS, Duane Reade, Wallgreens and etc are garbage. Oddly though, Wal-Mart carries some of the better brands. As a rule i never scrimp on shoes, bedding or vitamins/drugs.

I was asked by my doctor to add some vitamin D to my daily regimen. The Carlson gems have Omega-3 so i went with that..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Addl pics..

As the weeks roll on and I am taking this lower dose of Prednisone my ulcer seems to be slowly creeping back. I have been using a topical ointment, Ultravate (0.05%). It looks and feels like ordinary Neosporin but it actually does a good job of taming 'hot spots' that erupt on my skin. I just apply a small amount to the affected area twice a day and after a day or two any redness or soreness is gone.

As the pic illustrates, my leg is mostly covered by a scar. The damage to my skin was enough to ruin the hairs on my leg. My legs were generally hairy, nothing crazy, but still 'hairy'. It seems the follicles were removed when my skin was covered by this scar.

A few pics..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Progress as it is..

Here are two different pics of my leg from the other day. The photo effects were added to show what is still an 'ulcer' and what is actually a scar. I have some serious scaring on my leg. Other than ruining my possible career as a runway model for Vilebrequin, it doesn't bother me at all.
My Prednisone has been reduced to 40mg/day and I should be totally off it in the week(s) ahead. It seems my body has been generating the basic side effects of using Prednisone; acne, bulkiness in arms, neck and back, and 'moon face'. My face has gotten chubby. Its as if I am turning Korean!

As I have stated in the past, i have been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, cancer of the white blood cells, not a good thing. I'm at a very early 'stage 1', so early that no treatment will be begun until some point in the future, probably a year or so. My 'numbers' are confirmed but very very low. The new drug that i am supposed to take next week is supposed to help treat my Pyoderma but not interfere with any future cancer treatment options.