Friday, August 30, 2013

After a walk

I'm convinced that as I increase my amount of exercise I see an advancement in my ulcer's level of healing. My doc says that swimming is good for me but I don't have access to a pool normally so I'm forced to walk generally for my exercise. The last few months I have been removing thick bands of dry skin that surround the ulcer. As this dry skin is removed new, albeit scared skin is hiding underneath. The small patch of "missing" skin I had a few weeks ago has healed up.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Post Nashville

After a few weeks of swimming my ulcer has improved alot. Before every shower I feel around,  feeling for a "scab" or a ring of dried skin on the outer area. Every once and a while I'll pull it off or at least a piece off, exposing fresh skin underneath. In this pic one can see a patch of skin that has been removed. While removing my bandage a week ago, after a swim, this patch of skin came off with the tape. It came right off, like nothing. It stung like a bitch! A few days of neosporin and it has begun to heal up.