Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bleed Out

It would seem that I have another skin infection on my lower leg. I had just gotten out of the shower and was dressing when I noticed blood on my bedroom floor. My first thought believe it or not was that someone had broken into my home and was bleeding. However I quickly noticed that it was spraying onto the floor at that very moment, obviously from my leg. And so it was. Painless and without sensation I had 'sprung a leak'. It reminded me of a squirt gun but a constant flow. The amount of blood I lost in that quick moment was unbelievable. I wrapped a t-shirt around my ankle and made an effort about an hour later to bandage it up with gauze and such. When the shirt was removed the squirting started again. The pic shows the gauze used and shirt ruined. I had to cut the bandages off because I had so much tape holding the gauze in place.

After a day and after my shower I removed the dressing and it seems the squirting problem has healed up. I have a MD appointment today so I expect to get another med..